Monday 18 September 2017

Life Update

I feel the need to do this post just because I didn't have such a great a start to the year and lots of things have changed. I feel like I've grown a lot as a person as a result of the things I have been faced with recently.
Unfortunately it has meant that my blog has taken a back seat and I haven't posted as much which I apologise for. I am keen to get blogging again and am excited to get creative with new ideas.

So at the start of the year I was made redundant, I won't fully go into details as it is what it is but I wasn't given a lot of notice and it really affected my confidence, mood and anxiety. I got quite down and my panic attacks got more frequent. I applied for Universal Credit which meant I had weekly appointments with the Job Centre as well as other sessions they advised me on attending.
Having more free time was nice to begin with but it left me with no routine and for a good while I felt like I had no purpose. I had nowhere to be and could get up whenever I liked but this left me with low moods and it would be embarrassing when people asked me what I did as a job. I spent a lot of my time applying for jobs but it left me questioning what it was I wanted to do, my confidence was at an all time low which after a while made me not want to apply for jobs as I just didn't have the confidence to sell myself at an interview.

In March I started my CBT sessions for my anxiety which I will speak about another time, honestly they couldn't have arrived at a better time. A few weeks later I went to an interview course which the job centre told me about. It was a bit challenging for me to even go but I did it and it made me so much more prepared and like I knew what I was doing. I had a couple of interviews all of which I didn't get but I took it all as experience. I had an interview for a work experience which I thought I had done absolutely terribly in, I wasn't wearing 'traditional' interview clothing as I had made the decision to dress in my own quirky style and I felt like that may have worked in my favour. In my other interviews I wore mainly black which is smart but just isn't me at all, I never wear black and I never felt truly comfortable.
I did an 8 week work experience which then lead to me working there permanently as they were impressed with me and my work ethic.
I feel so much better in myself, my confidence has gone up and I just enjoy going to work now as before I didn't. I like everyone I work with and I just enjoy the atmosphere a lot more.

Things aren't perfect but when are they ever, they are a heck of a lot better and I am somewhere now a few months ago I never thought I would be. For anyone who is currently unemployed my advice would be to stay positive, I know it is difficult but keep trying and something will come. Get a routine and keep yourself busy, this will stop your mood from dipping. Go to your local job centre, mine were really helpful they advised me on courses and I wouldn't have got my job without them.
Finally exercise, this will help clear your mind and keep you focused.

As you can see from my picture, I have new glasses. Just another change in my year of changes!

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