I thought I would celebrate my birthday by doing an afternoon tea theme for my family and friends. I was busy baking and making things the night before and also in the morning. I bought a load of decorations from Ebay and made it as vintage looking as I could.

My mum made these finger sandwiches which were amazing, they always taste better without the crusts for some reason.
I found this cute little set in a charity shop. I got four teacups, four saucers, four small plates, four bigger plates, a milk jug and a sugar bowl for only £7...bargain. Although it didn't really go with anything else on the table I love it and it is so autumnal.

I got these little cake forks from boots, I have wanted some for a while and I thought these were perfect.

Mmmm cofee cake, the cake stand that this was on was my Nans. Although it is an old cake stand you really can't tell.

These were little puff pastry tarts with peppers and onions on, I also made some with peperoni on like mini pizzas.

I made these scones and mini lemon drizzle cakes.

I got this little menu from a pound shop, I wrote food on one side and drink on the other.
I decorated the room with these yellow and pink floral paper chains, a teapot garland and some bunting.
I had the best day and got lots of lovely presents.
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