Oh...my...goodness. I can't even begin to explain how good this musical was...but I'll try. So I got my Mum and Dad tickets to see Bat Out of Hell at the Manchester Opera House for Christmas and because I wanted to go also I got myself one, I just thought it would be nice to spend a day out with them both as it is something we rarely do. I had been so excited to see it pretty much since I bought the tickets. We went on Saturday, we got an earlier train into Manchester so that we could have a mooch around and get some lunch. We were watching the matinee performance, we got to the Opera House...finally and I was actually really impressed with it as venue. I hadn't been there before but I like how much more intimate it was than the bigger theatres, I would definitely go there again.
I don't want to spoil it in case you intend to go but there are a few surprises, the special effects are amazing the cast are absolutely incredible. So so talented. I was a little confused about the story line to begin with but as it went on I understood it more and it is now up there as one of my favourite musicals. I actually didn't want it to end.
The actors have such good voices and along with the dancing you just want to get up there and join them. I absolutely love Meatloaf and was singing the songs for at least the next week.
I left wanting to purchase a pair of doc martins and to go and join a gang, it was that good I would love to see it again and that is quite rare for me as usually I try and see as many different musicals as I can.

Here are a few press pictures I found, obviously I didn't take these myself as that is forbidden. I don't want to give the story line away so you just need to see it. I can't wait to go and see it again. A massive congratulations to all of the cast for doing such an amazing job, they are all so talented and they just genuinely look they like they are enjoying themselves.